How to choose a inground pool led lights to replace Incandescent bulb
C ompare with incandescent bulb, a inground pool led lights has follow advantages. 1,A halogen bulb last about 5000hours, LED bulb is able to work more than 50000+hours. And halogen light decay very quickly,2000hours light decay 25%. LED light decay only less than 15% 30000hours.We will see black inside the bulb. Because it cost too much electrcity to heating,only 20% electrical energy transfer to light lumen. LED light transfer rate is 90% 2,LED light composed by led chips,driver and housing. In one PCB borard have many chip series connection and parallel connection.And only need very thin current can light up the high lumen efficiency led chip. That’s one of reason LED light save 80% energy than incandescent light. 3,Incandescent light only for lighting, with led light we can changing many different color just turn on/off the light switch.And also can control by remote. If you want change your inground pool light bulb to led, follow below steps yo...